Monday, April 25, 2011

"The United Countries of Baseball" - Blog Topic #11

This map immediately caught my eye as I was surfing the internet.  Since I play in college and inspired to be a professional baseball player as a child I love supporting my two favorite teams.  I had never imagined even trying to map where a majority of fans live for a certain team.  Maps always give you a new spatial perspective on a situation.  After studying the map I realized where some of the teams are located in the first place and that many states do not have teams  There are more teams in the East than the West by far.  This is probably due to the size of cities near the east coast.  Bigger cities means more fans, or in other words more money.  Since baseball teams do not exist in all states, it makes sense that neighboring states would accept the closest team geographically as their home team.  I am originally from Oklahoma (which has no professional baseball team) and have been a Texas Rangers fan from birth.  I moved to Colorado when I was young and also became a Rockies fan.  This map really opened my eyes to where baseball teams are located and where their fan base is.

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